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fridays.gif (2827 bytes) Newbury St. Boston
Bartender Championship
"Welcome to TGIFridyas my name is Ron and I will be your server.." "Gregory what would you like today?" Grimey and friend Allison Rachel Judge Wyman "Gotta show this to the kids someday" Stacey and Angela "look ma no cavities!" Rachel "I love this place!!!" Wyman and Angela Bill (aka Santa) Bidget and Angela Patrick tgifs24.jpg (41246 bytes) tgifs28.jpg (42986 bytes) Angela gets rowdy... Pam looks on proudly... James cleans my lens.... Rachel and Bridget James tgifs38.jpg (40221 bytes) tgifs39.jpg (40014 bytes) tgifs40.jpg (39711 bytes)tgifs41.jpg (40284 bytes) tgifs42.jpg (40845 bytes) Finally Freddie tgifs44.jpg (40784 bytes) tgifs45.jpg (40193 bytes) tgifs46.jpg (40766 bytes) tgifs47.jpg (41007 bytes) tgifs48.jpg (42962 bytes) tgifs49.jpg (41915 bytes) tgifs50.jpg (41929 bytes) tgifs51.jpg (41065 bytes) tgifs52.jpg (40110 bytes) Rachel she's got legs..... but i'm now out of battery power

    And that's where my cameras battery ran out....
fridaysbar.gif (1934 bytes)
Freddie came in first. Migel second with Suzanne finishing 3rd.

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1999 National and World
Bartender Championships

Herbs used for treatments - bucataria fara foc