"These are some of my favorite things......" Links around the Web
Some cool Boston Links...
Boston Online
Townline Online
Pay your Boston Parking Tickets online
My Inbound Train Options
My Complete Train Schedule
MBTA Copley Buses
MBTA And now for todays news..
Todays Boston Globe
The Boston Herald
Boston Phoenix
The Comunity Newspapers
All the media you ever need
Cyber Sleaze
The Drudge Report Find an old friend....
The Ultimate White Pages
Yahoo's People Search Some Computer Refrence sites...
Microsoft's Windows 98 page
Microsoft's Windows 2000 page
32 bit software for Win95 and 98
Windows NT software Some more cool stuff...
The Massachusetts Registry Online
Get Your Family Name as an email address (its where I got john@mullaney.com)
The New local Area Codes
Register your Birthday online
Microsoft's Terra Server
I just got fired.com